Unsung Heroes

Read Acts 11:19 through 12:25

Some of the most important heroes in our world go largely unnoticed. These people simply do what needs to be done, and give little thought to whether others notice and appreciate their work. Some of these heroes volunteer to tutor children after school, others visit the elderly in nursing homes, and still others volunteer to teach a Sunday School class.

In Acts 11 we read of some unsung heroes, identified only as “men from Cyprus and Cyrene” (Acts 11:20), who went to Antioch and began proclaiming the good news. As a result, many believed and received Christ. As a further legacy to their work, Antioch became the nerve center for the Early Church.

There are many opportunities to impact the world for the gospel by believers not seeking recognition. A simple inspection of our neighborhoods will reveal ways they can represent Christ to their world. Pastors would love to direct people to doors just waiting to be stepped through.

You can make a huge difference just by meeting the needs that you can meet. God will show you how.

Challenge for Today: Ask the Lord to help you see where the greatest need for your service exists.

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802