The Power of Words

Read  Proverbs 10:1 through 14:35

Twelve-year-old John lived in an abusive home and often had behavior problems in school. Many teachers told him he would probably end up in prison—except for the woman who taught math. Being a strong Christian, she knew the influence of words. She took him aside, placed an arm over his shoulder and said, “John, God has great love for you and great plans for you. I believe in you because I believe in God’s power.” Those simple words changed the direction of his life and encouraged him all through high school and college. Now he is in prison— not as a convict, but as a chaplain!

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Proverbs 12:18).

God’s Word tells us the words we speak have the power to hurt or heal. Even secular psychologists agree. Knowing this to be true, use great wisdom and thought before speaking. Always ask yourself, “Will these words hurt or heal?” Your words just might be what God uses to change a person’s life.


Do you know someone who’s hurting? Help bring healing with wise and kind words by making a phone call, mailing a card, sending e-mail, or taking them out to lunch.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802