The Living Judge

Read Judges 1:1 through 3:31

With the flick of a button, television can deliver negative images into homes. Commercials and programming during prime time are filled with sex and violence. Both are said to sell products and lure viewers.

The Internet exposes users to a wealth of knowledge and information. Unfortunately, some use the Internet to prey on unsuspecting minds. Pornography pop-up screens abound, enticing curious consumers into a sordid world.

Television sets and computers are not evil in and of themselves. Their users just need to exercise a bit of self-control, set up boundaries, and be accountable to someone.

Following the death of Joshua, God sent judges to Israel to protect and hold the people accountable. However, most only listened for a short time.

When the judge died…the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of their fathers (Judges 2:19).

Like Israel, we too need accountability. God had compassion on His people by raising up judges. He has done the same for us. While their judges died, ours lives forever. His name is Jesus.


Thank You God for sending Jesus, the living Judge.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802