Taking Friends to Jesus

Read Luke 5:1 through 6:49

“We’re in Branson and Mark had a heart attack,” Elizabeth wrote on her Facebook status. “He will have a heart cath and stents put in tomorrow.”

She wanted to sob with fear and aloneness, but was trying to be strong for Mark and their two young children, who only knew that Daddy was too sick for them to drive several hours home.

Instantly her Facebook page filled. Friends assured her that they were praying for her family. They gave her Scriptures to focus on and reminders that the Lord was with their family, even in Branson.

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus (Luke 5:18).

Obviously the paralyzed man couldn’t get to Jesus for help. His friends stepped in, even finding a creative solution when the going got tough.

Perhaps God has put us in relationships so we can carry each other to Him when we are too frightened, distracted, or weak to adequately seek the Lord on our own.


How can you “carry a friend to Jesus” this week?

(c) by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri, 65802