Still Waiting

Read  Genesis 39:1 through 41:45

Finally, the time had come. Joseph had been faithfully enduring an unjust prison sentence—and release seemed imminent. There was one who could help secure his freedom.

The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him (Genesis 40:23).

Like the cupbearer’s memory, Joseph’s hope of release vanished. However, he did not allow all the years in the dungeon to taint his spirit with bitterness. Instead, he allowed God to work in him a depth of character that is born only of adversity.

Do you long to be such a person? Beware. It’s not an easy road to walk—especially considering how we’ve been trained to expect instant gratification. We live in the world of overnight mail, drive-thru restaurants, and promises of overnight success. Subsequently we struggle with the long, dark seasons between sowing and reaping, asking and receiving, vision and fulfillment. But there are no shortcuts in acquiring character.

Thankfully, you do not walk this road alone. God will be with you, just as He was with Joseph (see Genesis 39:20,21).


God, help me find comfort in Your presence in the dark seasons.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802