Speaking Out

Read  Matthew 8:1 through 11:1

Some people consider public speaking their biggest fear, ranking it above death. Of course, there is usually no danger involved with public speaking—just the threat of embarrassment.

But that wasn’t the case for the Early Church. Jesus told His disciples they would be arrested and tried for telling others about Him. Yet He said they shouldn’t be afraid when they were brought before kings and rulers and asked to answer charges publicly. He promised the Holy Spirit would be with them and give them the right words to say (Matthew 10:19,20).

If you share your faith with others as the Bible commands, you may well face ridicule and discrimination. Some people may get angry and lash out verbally. Others may laugh or ask difficult questions. Yet you shouldn’t let fear of others’ reactions keep you from being a witness for Christ.

Jesus’ promise to His disciples is a promise for all believers. When we’re mocked or persecuted because of our faith, we can trust God to speak through us. He is able to give us words of wisdom and truth.


Graciously share your faith with someone, trusting God to give you boldness and help you choose your words.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802