Rock Solid

Read 2 Samuel 21:1 through 22:51; Psalm 18:1–50

King David wrote that the Lord was his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer (Psalm 18:2). Is the Lord your rock—your fixed and sure foundation? In 1965 the band “The Who” rocked the world with “My Generation.” Like most rebel songs of the sixties, it sent a “get lost” message to the “establishment.” Within the lyrics Pete Townshend penned this wish: “I hope I die before I get old.” I’ll bet Pete’s perspective has changed. He is over sixty, and he is still rocking away. I would guess that he’s pretty pleased to still be around making millions—even though many would call him “old”!

When I turned forty, I redefined the term “old.” When I became a dad I adopted new opinions on child rearing. When my girls became teenagers I developed new insights into the subject of dating. Perspective in life is always shifting.

At times we lack focus, knowledge, wisdom, and depth. In a world of shifting perspectives, we need an anchor point— something solid and immovable. We have that foundation in Christ; the solid rock on which we stand. I pray that my generation will find this foundation.


Ask yourself what is truly unchanging and solid in life, and there, anchor your soul.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802