Overdue Spring Cleaning

Read  Nehemiah 11:1 through 13:31

“Look, Jerry,” Dave said, as they explored the education wing of their church building one Saturday. “This room is big enough for a Sunday School class, but it’s filled with so much junk that I can barely open the door.” Jerry agreed. “Paint is peeling, the ceiling is stained, and the carpet is filthy. We need to get some people together and clean these things up.”

“Why is the house of God neglected?” (Nehemiah 13:11).

Nehemiah was appalled by the condition into which the temple of God had fallen in his absence. An enemy Ammonite official named Tobiah was using storage rooms within the temple complex for his personal use. Temple workers went unpaid, causing some Levites to go back to farming. A major cleanup was in order, requiring Nehemiah’s leadership to get it started.

What needs to be cleaned up today in your local church building, or better yet, in the temple of your heart? Have you allowed things to creep in that bring shame on your testimony? Now is the time to clear away debris and make way for God’s Spirit.


Clean churches and clean hearts require constant vigilance.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802