Heart Sanitizer

Read Matthew 13:54 through 16:28

A 2007 study found that more women than men wash hands after using the bathroom. Researchers came to this conclusion after standing around in public restrooms and watching to see who washed and who walked out the door without stopping at the sinks. What the experts plan to do with this information is anyone’s guess, though it could be a good argument for hiring more female food handlers.

Without good physical hygiene, people’s physical health is in danger. But there is an even greater threat. The things that hurt people the most, making them spiritually unhealthy and ultimately separating them from God, have nothing to do with germs, microbes, or anything that can be grown in a laboratory. The biggest threat to the human race is and always has been sin.

Wrong desires born of a rebellious heart are what make us unclean before God (Matthew 15:17,18). Soap won’t scrub off sin, and hand sanitizer won’t kill it. Only the blood of Jesus can take it away. When we ask forgiveness and turn our lives over to God, we are made fresh and clean in His sight. Think of it as heart sanitizer.

PRAYER SUGGESTION: Ask God to search your life and make you aware of anything that is unclean in His sight.

© by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802