He is With Us

Read  Exodus 33:1 through 35:35

Moses had reason to be concerned. He and the Israelites were in the dessert wilderness and he had experienced so many difficulties leading such a “stiff-necked people” (Exodus 33:5). He felt alone and overwhelmed by such an enormous task. How could he possibly do what God commanded him to do?

“The Lord replied, “‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest’” (Exodus 33:14).

Moses met with the Lord and brought his worries before Him. The Lord graciously reassured Moses that whatever He instructed him to do, the Lord would help him accomplish it.

Furthermore, God went on to show Moses His glory in confirmation of His commitment to be with His people and the leader he appointed to them, Moses.

Do you sometimes feel alone, unable to handle your responsibilities, parent your children, or be a good employer? Do not forget that as a Christian you are not alone in your endeavors. God is present and, as with Moses, He will go with you and comfort you. But, like Moses, you must go to Him and ask.


Ask the Lord to go with you this day and enable you to serve Him.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802