Grace and Truth

Read 2 John 1:1–13, 3 John 1:1–14, Jude 1:1–25

Be merciful to those who doubt (Jude 1:22).

The Bible is full of people who heard the truth but hesitated to believe it. Moses, Gideon, Nicodemus, Thomas—all glimpsed God and still found themselves beset with an all-too human weakness: doubt.

Thankfully, God has demonstrated how to show mercy to doubters. He dealt with these people the same way He deals with all of us: with grace and truth. He showed them grace by answering their questions and dealing with their disbelief; He showed them truth by refusing to sugarcoat reality to “win them over.”

As Christians, we should follow that example. All of us will encounter people who hunger for God and yet are unwilling to take the final step into belief. Instead of becoming frustrated and writing them off, show them the mercy that God showed you. Patiently, lovingly, allow God to use you to guide doubters to His truth.


Show patience and grace to someone who is having difficulty grasping the truth of Jesus Christ.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802