God’s Solution

Read Exodus 28:1 through 30:10; Matthew 19:13–30

“What am I going to do about this?” is a good question. It is asked at the onset of a problem and sometimes at the end of exploring all the options. But have all possible solutions been explored?

Jesus’ disciples came to that point when they asked, “Who then can be saved?” When Jesus said it was difficult for the rich to be saved, they faced a dilemma. Couldn’t the rich do anything?

Money can only do so much, and it cannot buy salvation. Even the rich come to the end of their possibilities. Well, if the rich can’t be saved, then how are others supposed to be saved?

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

The answer Jesus gave them was a reminder that when human solutions end, God still has options. Jesus told His disciples that while they might not know what to do, God does. Seeking solutions to life’s difficulties should always include God. He has options humans can’t imagine.

PRAYER SUGGESTION: Lord, help me find Your solution to my problem.

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