God Fights Our Battles

Read 2 Chronicles 18:1 through 20:37

Not long ago, a newspaper told the remarkable story of an 18-year-old girl who needed a kidney transplant. What made her story so remarkable was the way God “found” donors for her. Both of the girl’s parents were incompatible donors. She had two small brothers, both too young to be donors.

At that point, three members of her small church family heard of the need and felt God wanted them to volunteer to be donors. All three of them were compatible.

Out of a total church membership of about 100, with 70 who attended regularly each Sunday, three members sought to be donors—and all three were compatible!

God is never hindered by what we may see as “long odds:”

This is what the Lord says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s(2 Chronicles 20:15).

Rely upon the Lord today and He will honor your faith in every situation. He will fight every battle and give you His grace and strength to find victory.


Our Heavenly Father will fight our battles for us, if we trust Him.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802