Divine Assignments

Read  Numbers 1:1 through 4:49

At the Lord’s command through Moses, each was assigned his work and told what to carry (Numbers 4:49).

The Merarites were the last subgroup of Levites who were counted in the census in Numbers 4. They were descended from the third son of Levi and their assignment on each moving day during the years of wanderings was to carry the tabernacle’s frames, crossbars, posts, and bases, and the posts, bases, tent pegs, and ropes of the courtyard. Further, we are told that God himself, through Moses, assigned each male Merarite to carry specific items. Four wagons and eight oxen were given them to help in the task (Numbers 7:8).

God’s attention to detail and organization is a comfort to us. One beauty of God’s truths is that they are simple. The Merarites had a vital role in God’s panoramic plan and there is a unique niche for you too. You belong. He loves and cares for individuals as much as He treasures His people as a whole.


Lord, help me to know your assignment for me each day and grant me the ability to fulfill it.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802