Daily Manna

Read  Exodus 16:1 through 18:27

As a young adult, before surrendering to the Lord, Bill found the Bible confusing and difficult to read. Sometimes he would start at Genesis and try to read through the Bible. He never got further than the genealogies, which seemed to him as dry as dust. But God broke his heart, bringing him to repentance. He yielded to the Lord, and began a fresh study of God’s Word. Now the whole Bible stood open before him. He understood it, as the Spirit illuminated it. The first thing every morning he found joy to open the Bible and drink deeply from its fountain. He read through the Bible, but because all was new, he started with Genesis, reading through until he finished with Revelation. It was the bread the Lord gave him to eat.

“This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Each one is to gather as much as he needs’” (Exodus 16:16).

Just as the Sons of Israel desperately needed the Manna, so we need the Word of God. We must dine regularly, and when we forget our spiritual nourishment, we become famished. Just as a great meal, God’s Word is our nourishment, refreshment, and joy.


Commit yourself to come to God’s table, the Bible, for fresh “manna” everyday.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802