Change Isn’t Easy

Read  Ezra 1:1 through 2:70

Almost fifty years had passed since Jerusalem had fallen and its inhabitants had been taken captive to Babylon. A new generation with few, if any, memories of Jerusalem was settled in Babylon. When King Cyrus decreed that they could return to Jerusalem, some may have had questions and doubts.

Why should they uproot their families and move to an unknown city? Why should they make the long and dangerous journey? And then, of course, there was the uncertainty of what they would find when they arrived. Some probably wondered if God could protect them since their temple had been destroyed and their parents had been taken captive. But God stirred their hearts.

Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and Levites—everyone whose heart God had moved—prepared to go up and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:5).

God still moves the hearts of people to do His will. He speaks to presidents, political leaders, and ordinary citizens. He could demand obedience, but instead He has given each the freedom to choose.


Be sensitive to how God is moving on your heart and choose to say yes!

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802