Amazing Faith

Read  Luke 7:1 through 8:56

Jesus found faith that amazed Him, but it was not in Israel’s religious community, in His followers, or in His hometown. It was expressed by a Gentile—a Roman soldier. When Jesus heard it, He was amazed at him, and shared His amazement with the crowd following Him.

I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel (Luke 7:9).

How can we acquire and hold on to such amazing faith?

The centurion knew the power of a command given by one in authority; he recognized that Jesus had divine authority. It didn’t matter that the centurion was a Gentile. What mattered was that he believed in Jesus. Immediately upon receiving the request to come to the centurion’s home, Jesus moved in that direction.

Who is Jesus to you? See Him through the eyes of the centurion as the loving, all-powerful God, willing to heal, help, and rescue all who come to Him.


The goal is to have a faith that surpasses doubt and fear, a faith that receives the answer even when it sees no evidence.

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802