Experiencing Hardship

Read  Acts 14:1 through 16:40

Jessica trembled. Her boss’s stare was icy. “You were two minutes late. You’re fired,” he said.

“But, sir, I was only late because I gave a ride to an elderly woman whose car had stalled.”

“I don’t care. You’re done here.”

Tear streamed down Jessica’s face as she headed to the parking lot.

Is life supposed to be this difficult? Where did I go wrong? Who would have thought that helping an old woman would get me fired? How will I pay my bills? Her head was full of questions and doubts.

“We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said (Acts 14:22).

No one enjoys experiencing difficulty. People want carefree relationships, stress-free jobs, and excellent health. That’s not always what happens, though. One good thing can come from such hardships—a deeper trust in God. Christians should allow difficult times to reinforce their faith and strengthen their bonds with the Father.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Cling to God through all seasons.

© by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802

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