The Joy of Following

Read  Matthew 15:1 through 17:27

Tom and his wife, Roberta, asked the agency for a healthy child when they applied for an international adoption. Instead, the young pastor and his wife received a son who had severe cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Their marriage struggled under the strain of constantly caring for Jacob, but they learned patience. God used that struggle to mold Tom into a more compassionate person, preparing him for greater ministry. Jacob, at thirty-seven, still requires constant care, but he loves church and brings joy wherever they take him.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24).

No one can plan his own life. Each life takes unexpected twists and turns—sometimes pleasant and sometimes tragic. However, for true success as God sees it, the cross of submission to Christ must be lifted and carried through each day. Believers will recognize in the end, as Tom and Roberta learned, that God’s way is better than theirs, though they may not see it until eternity.

PRAYER SUGGESTION: Today, Lord, I joyfully take up the cross You give me, knowing that Your way is best.

© by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802.