Hide and Go Seek

Read  Matthew 28:1–20

What concerns you about sharing your salvation story? Maybe you’re afraid of how people will respond. Perhaps you won’t be able to find the right words. Or possibly you feel you won’t be able to answer questions.

No matter your personal reservations, be comforted knowing that Jesus not only gave the command to go, but also explained the method by which we are to spread the gospel:

Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always (Matthew 28:20).

You don’t have to worry about “knowing enough” or using specific words. In the Great Commission, Jesus taught the principles of salvation. One must believe Jesus suffered and rose from the dead. We are to make disciples—to teach repentance and forgiveness in His name.

Your task is to study God’s Word and hide it in your heart. The Holy Spirit will remind you of what you have learned, and Jesus will give you the words to say. He has promised to be with you as you share His message of sacrificial love.


Hide God’s Word in your heart and go seek the people to share it with!

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802