Self-Made Idols

Read  Exodus 19:1 through 24:18

An alarming trend is occurring among a high number of American workers. It is becoming more common for workers to work well over the standard forty-hour workweek. Some workers average between sixty and seventy hours a week at their jobs. Sometimes workers spent so much time at the job, they make the mistake of identifying themselves by what they do for a living. As one young woman who was recently laid off put it, “It’s like I lost a part of myself.”

Is it possible that one’s job (livelihood) could become an idol (a god)? Unfortunately, yes. A simple definition of an “idol” is whatever comes before the Lord. And that could be anything, including personal achievement goals.

“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol” (Exodus 20:3,4).

The ancient Hebrews lived in a world filled with idols. What set them apart from other peoples was their allegiance to only one God, the true and living God. In the Christian’s life, only the Lord himself should occupy “first place.”


Are you working for God or working for work?

©by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802