Don’t Ride with Pride

Read Isaiah 14:1 through 18:7 Pride comes so naturally that people hardly notice it in their lives. It’s fine to take joy in personal accomplishments, but not to allow those feelings to morph into conceit or self-absorption. Pervasive pride seems to be the curse of modern society, with so much focus on: What’s in it for me? How does this make me …

Redemption’s Price

Read Hosea 1:1 through 3:5 God told His prophet Hosea to marry an adulterous woman. Hosea’s life became a picture of God’s love for Israel and Israel’s constant unfaithfulness toward God. Hosea’s wife left him to chase after other men, but the story doesn’t end with a brokenhearted prophet. The Lord said to me, “Go, show your love to your …

Suffering . . . on Purpose

Read Isaiah 52:13 through 55:13; Philippians 2:1–30 For most people who prick their finger or touch a hot stove, their arm involuntarily, even forcefully, pulls away. Pain helps protect the body. Children with congenital analgesia (the inability to feel pain) often suffer fractured bones, eye damage, burns, and damage to their tongues and lips. Humans were designed to avoid discomfort …

God’s Gift of Work

Read Ecclesiastes 5:1 through 7:29 A 2012 survey found that 65 percent of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. Reasons for this include being underpaid, limited career growth and advancement, lack of interest, poor management, job insecurity, poor communication, and unpleasant coworkers. Many do not feel appreciated or adequately rewarded for their performance. How different is the teacher’s advice in …

No Passport Needed

Read Ephesians 1:1 through 3:21 Traveling abroad poses challenges. In addition to obtaining a passport, it would help if you learned the language of the people. Failure to possess a thorough understanding of the culture and customs of a country may hinder effective communication. One word or a mispronounced syllable could transform an intended meaning into something entirely different. Prior …